Thursday, October 23, 2008

current progect for space travel

Currently there are a few project being worked on for space travel worth mentioning. one is taking place in Russia. The Russians are currently looking at a space craft called the Clipper which replace its Soyuz. The Clipper will cary 6 men opposed to the Soyuz's 3 and will be capable of making regular flights to the moon and mars providing a reliable nuclear propulsion system is designed. It will also be more beneficial for bringing cargo to the international space station since it can carry up to 12 metric tones opposed to the 3 in the other.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is pretty cool! I know that commercial and just more regular space visits are a topic which are interesting to the general public.
Do you know anything about the budget of this project? I would be interested to know where space exploration fits into a budget, especially with the global economic crisis.