Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sails in outerspace?

As I researched this topic, I came across an article by one Chuck Rahls. He spoke of three theories on interstellar travel. one is Anti-matter (I'm assuming similar to that of the USS Enterprise), another is fusion, and the last space sails. According to Chuck, Space sails are the most technologically viable solution at this time. Upon reading this i said "pfft ya right what are we going to do ride sound waves" thinking i new something about space and its emptiness. after I continued to read i noticed my ignorance as he laid the theoretical option out. The sails on this craft would be enormous and made out of super thin yet sturdy material like Mylar. this material also has to be reflective because it would be depending on contact of protons from the sun which would be similar to a small push for a Long time. this means that there is no max velocity it can simply keep going faster. the dimensions of the sail depend on the weight. If for say the weight is 16 grams, then you would need 1 km of sail. to steer it huge lasers would be used amounting to about 10 gigawatts shining on the entire length. As i continued to read i became even more intrigued wondering how much it would take to send say a one ton space craft. the answer depressed me, we would need 1000 km's of sail with 10 million gigawatts of laser energy ( about 3x that the earth uses now). I guess for now we will have to stick to the bare minimum when traveling to other stars. A small craft like this could reach the closest star to us in 10 years. look out Proxima Centari here we come!

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